Thursday, January 21, 2010

Conserving Water Resources

In Singapore, water is a very precious as there is very little fresh water reservoirs.Therefore, Singapore have to recycle water or import water from Malaysia. About 30% of Singapore's water comes from reservoirs , the rest are from Newater or are imported from Malaysia. Newater is basically reclaimed water which are treated water from our waste but do not worry, this water is already treated so you will not be finding shit inside it or will the water taste 'funny'.We should conserve our Water Resources as Malaysia would not be selling us water soon.We can do this by not throwing litter into the reservoirs. I think conserving water will make Singapore a more independent country!

Understanding Research

1)To me research is the process of learning more about a subject or object to gain more knowledge by reading books or surfing the net and even asking people about it.
2)I think research is important as I think great mathematicians and scientists do researching before inventing a new formula or a new invention.
3)I think we can try to conduct a good research by going to good websites(wikipedia) and read all the stuff they say about the thing u want to research.After that try to retype whatever they said in the website that you did not know in you own words.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1.To me, ADMT is the designing of items to improve them and making them more attractive to the public.
2.I think ADMT is important as it helps improve the life of people and helps companies earn more money
3.I want to learn how to make designs that will attract people to the product i am designing